Saturday, August 21, 2010

A Wikipedia Experiment

I'm bored, so I decided to go to Wikipedia and pick a random starting article, and see where it leads in 10 random clicks on any link (internal to Wikipedia) within the article. Here are the results:

Went to, clicked on "Random Article"

1 - First up, "Charlie Chan's Murder Cruise"

2 - From there to "Pacific Ocean"

3 - On to "trade wind"

4 - And now to "doldrums"

5 - Next up, "prevailing winds"

6 - Which led to "Bernoulli's principle" (quite interesting)

7 - And on to "Isentropic process" (also interesting)

8 - Which led to "volume"

9 - Next to "Dimensioning"

10 - And finally to "United Parcel Service (UPS)"

Charlie Chan to UPS in 10 moves.  Fun stuff!!!  And I actually read every article! :)

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